Team Training

Team Training

Team Training

Team training

Your team is your most important asset

Have Them Trained and Ready to Impress!

Your dental team could help you grow your business or close it down. Spending thousands of pounds marketing your practice without adequately training and motivating your team could lead to the loss of very good opportunities.

A highly trained and motivated team presented with the right opportunities will convert enquiries into paying patients.

Dental Team Training has many benefits and at Dental Business Butlers we realise the importance of your team in helping you to achieve your goals. We will facilitate the right training for your team depending on what your objectives are.

We can offer training on a wide range of topics including:

1. Effectively dealing with patient enquiries.

2. Ethical Selling Skills

3. Customer Services Training

4. Dealing with difficult patients

5. New CQC Inspections – What to Expect.

Why is team training so important?

1. Team training is an aid to motivating staff

2. Employees who receives the necessary training are more able to perform in their job.

3. The investment in training that a company makes shows employees that they are valued.

4. Create employees who are happy to work in teams or independently without constant help and supervision from others.

5. Ongoing training and upskilling of the workforce can encourage creativity. New ideas can be formed as a direct result of training and development.

6. Employees who feel appreciated and challenged through training opportunities may feel more satisfaction toward their jobs.

Call us now 0207 0480250 or email us now on for a personalised quote