
Website Design

Dentistry involves combining the highly detailed and technical treatments, with the necessity to create beautiful smiles for your patients. The very best dentists need to have a strong appreciation for this balance, and it is this balance that is key when designing dental websites.

Dental websites need to be written in a way that patients can understand, pairing back the highly scientific processes into understandable text, while also combining beautiful design.

Patients will make a judgement within seconds of arriving on your website as to whether you meet their ideals for a new dental practice, and this is why it is so important to make a good first impression. It is also true that over a third of people will stop engaging with your website if the content and layout are unattractive.

Therefore, the next thing to look at is how you can make a website that appeals to the largest possible proportion of your target audience.

Link the design to your practice

DBB-Blog-Image-005It is important to incorporate aspects of your practice into the design of your website, giving patients an idea of what to expect when they attend for their first appointment. Is your practice homely and comfortable, bright, and airy or industrial with sharp lines? All of these can provide a good starting point for your website design.

Beautiful images

Your website should be full of high-quality images, showing the team, practice, before and after shots and treatments available. Low quality, grainy images will give patients the idea that you do not have the high level of attention to detail that they would want in their dentist.


What is it that sets you apart from your competitors? Do you have a real passion for a certain area of dentistry? Whatever it is it is important to tell your story in a way that is real, through text, videos, and visuals.

These factors must be considered alongside the more technical aspects which can help to ensure that your website work seamlessly.

Mobile accessible

DBB-Blog-Image-006It is important to ensure that your site works across all mobile devices. More than half your website’s visitors will have their first view of your website on a mobile phone so make sure it is a good one.

Easily accessible

The information contained in your website should be easily searchable and it is important to make the most sought-after information the easiest to find.

Search engine optimisation (SEO)

There is no point having a fantastic website that no-one can find. It is therefore important to ensure that the website is search engine optimised to score well across a number of search engines, putting your practice in front of the highest number of potential new patients possible.

Throughout your career, you have had to join both form and function, aesthetics, and technology so it makes sense that the same would be needed in your website.

Need some help reaching your potential new patients? The team at Dental Business Butlers have a many years’ experience within the dental industry so can provide a website that will balance both the aesthetics and technology that you need to give the best possible results.

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